Secretive Arbitration Waiver Letters Place 85+% of Companies in Legal Jeopardy

This is not legal advice.

Just over a month ago, we posted about secretive American Arbitration Association ("AAA") arbitration waiver letters.

To thank our Patrons, we provided early access to the data used to compile our post. We're now releasing it to everyone.

Here is a copy of the AAA's consumer clause registry from August 5th 2016. It includes a folder for each company.
20160805 full clause (87.5 MB)

Here is a list of the 291 companies in the zip file:
20160805 companies.txt (6.8 KB)
Here is a list of the full contents of the zip file:
20160805 contents.txt (29.2 KB)
Here is a list of the 26 waiver letters in the zip file:
20160805 waivers.txt (1.6 KB)

Approximately 10% of companies that submit to the AAA's consumer clause registry are required to execute a waiver letter.

Here is a zip file of just the companies with waivers, including a copy of each company's latest agreement, if available:
20160805 only companies with waivers and latest agreements as of (23.6 MB)

And, here is a list of waiver updated status and notes:
waiver status.xlsx (9.4 KB)

As of the date of the original post, out of 26 waiver letters and 25 companies on 8/5/16: 12 companies had not updated their agreement to reflect the executed waiver letter. Two had. And 11 were unknown primarily because we would have had to use their service to access their latest agreement

If anyone has access to a company with status unknown and wants to share, please do and we'll update the files and list below.

Therefore, 85+% of companies (12 out of 14) that executed a waiver letter are in potential legal jeopardy.

Among those companies are big ones like Freedom Debt Relief, which is currently being sued by the CFPB. Also, CenturyLink and Logitech.

We have more recent data that Patron's can access. We will make it publicly available in the coming months. To get early access, become a supporter.

Here is a list of companies with waiver letters as of 8/5/16:

Corrected Agreement

  1. Caeden
  2. Coinbase Inc.

Uncorrected Agreement

  1. AE Television Networks LLC
  2. Assurant Service Protection Inc.
  3. Avid Dating Life Inc. dba Ashley Madison
  4. Caskers LLC
  5. CenturyLink
  6. Choice Home Warranty
  7. Federal Warranty Service Corporation
  8. Logitech
  9. Sheffield Financial
  10. Sureway Inc.
  11. United Service Protection Corporation
  12. United Service Protection Inc.


  1. Affinity Building Systems LLC
  2. Freedom Debt Relief LLC
  3. Heartland Automotive Services Inc. dba Jiffy Lube
  4. Institute for Business Technology Inc.
  5. Interstate Group LLC
  6. IWS Acquisition Corporation
  7. Kaplan Higher Education LLC
  8. Mikhail Education Corporation
  9. Paul Mitchell The Schools
  10. Remington College
  11. The Childs Primary School

We are Level Playing Field 501(c)(3). Nearly all of our work is performed on a volunteer basis. To support our work, the continued build out and maintenance of the arbitration database and community, please support us on Patreon (even one dollar a month helps) and contribute your knowledge and experience to the forum.

Formal research reports, expert testimony and affidavits available on request.

This is not legal advice.